3rd JLESC Summer School

  • Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique
  • Location: ENS, Lyon, France
  • Start: 30 Jun 2016
  • End: 01 Jul 2016
Welcome and Introduction
Yves Robert (INRIA)
Soon ...
Talk Improving the Trust in Results of Numerical Simulations and Scientific Data Analytics [slides]
Franck Cappello (ANL)
Since the introduction of fault tolerance in HPC, fault tolerance papers have been dealing mainly with process crashes, network dysfunctions, and radiation induced bit flips. This orientation comes directly from the generic fault tolerance problems and solutions seen in distributed systems. Thus, the main objective has been to protect the execution - and that mostly in an application-agnostic way. Many real-life examples, however, demonstrate that application results can also be disrupted by hardware and software bugs. The risk of cyber attack is also taken seriously. Unfortunately, fault tolerance and resilience techniques currently used in HPC have not been designed for these types of disruptions; and in practice most fail to provide useful solutions. What matter is not only to protect HPC executions; it is also to protect the correctness of the results such executions produce. The scientific problem behind this statement is the trustworthiness of HPC application results. And to improve the trustworthiness, we must start from the results of the execution, as opposed to how the execution is implemented with processes and communications. The main objective is to avoid influential data corruptions related to the user-expected accuracy. This talk will review the notion of trust, the different types of disruptions leading to corruption of results, the ways that users build trust in application results, and the limitations of current techniques (fault tolerance/resilience, validation and verification, uncertainty quantification). We will present examples of results corruptions, some leading to catastrophic consequences, as well as an approach to improve result trustworthiness.
Talk Expected and Unexpected Challenges to Extreme Scale Reliability [slides]
Bill Kramer (UIUC, NCSA)
Extreme scale systems of today and tomorrow have on the order of a million to ten million processing elements, tens of millions of memory components and kilometers of interconnection cables. But these extreme scale systems, such as Blue Waters, are executing potentially billions of lines of software at any given instant in time. Studies of reliability traditionally focus on the many hardware components, their failure rates and the steps an application might take to mitigate such failures. While hardware failures are important to address, it is increasingly obvious many, some argue most, of system failures are software based. Equally concerning is that recovery time (MTTR) from software errors takes longer and means the probability of double and triple faults having to be addressed simultaneously makes recovery and resiliency much more challenging. This talk will exam recent trends in reliability and performance analysis using most the data collected over more than two years of Blue Waters service. It will draw insights as to the failure causes and possible solutions to make systems and applications more resilient. It will also offer comments on how to use today's insights into designing and implementing better systems and applications in the future.
Talk Checkpointing HPC applications [slides]
Thomas Ropars (INRIA)
The goal of this talk is to give an overview of checkpointing techniques for HPC applications. It will present the main problems that need to be solved to ensure the successful execution of distributed applications despite crash failures. We will start by reviewing the basics of rollback-recovery techniques for message-passing applications (happened-before relation, consistent global state, etc.). We will then describe the main families of rollback-recovery protocols (checkpointing and message logging) and discuss their applicability in the HPC context. Finally we will present the most recent advances (multi-level checkpointing, hierarchical protocols, etc.) in this area to cope with challenges raised by very large scale HPC systems.
Talk Optimal checkpointing periods with fail-stop and silent errors [slides]
Anne Benoit (INRIA)
In this talk, we introduce probabilistic models to determine the optimal checkpointing periods (Young approximation and Daly’s formula) when the platform is confronted to fail-stop errors, both in the coordinated protocol and in the hierarchical one. Also, we extend these classical results to in-memory checkpointing, and discuss the impact of prediction and replication. Finally, we tackle silent errors by proposing models to deal with both fail-stop and silent errors, and we derive the optimal checkpointing periods in realistic frameworks.
Hands-On Mathematical Exercises on Daly and Extensions [slides]
Aurélien Cavelan (INRIA), Hongyang Sun (INRIA)
In this talk, we will demonstrate the mathematical derivations of the classic Young/Daly formula on the optimal checkpointing interval for fail-stop errors. Also, we will introduce verification mechanisms (partial or guaranteed) to cope with silent errors, as well as multi-level checkpointing protocols for dealing with both error sources. Finally, we will show how to extend the results when also condisering the optimization of energy-consumption.
End of Day 1
Talk Resilience for Task-Graph Scheduling: OMPSS [slides]
Marc Casas (BSC)
In this talk we will describe in detail the opportunities that task-based programming models offer in terms of resilience. We will show how tasking enables asynchronous checkpoint/restart mechanisms, selective replication or cheap and easy to derive forward recoveries. Also, we will describe how resilience techniques exploiting the task parallel concept, which are typically deployed at the shared memory level, can be combined with fault tolerant approaches for MPI codes to reduce their overheads and increase their effectiveness.
Talk ABFT techniques [slides]
Frederic Vivien (INRIA)
This talk will describe ABFT (Algorithm-based Fault-Tolerance) techniques. ABFT is a forward-recovery method: the application can continue its progress without rollback after a failure, owing to redundant information computed and stored during execution. ABFT essentially applies to dense and sparse linear algebra kernels. We will give several examples and applications.
Talk Robustness of Interconnection Networks [slides]
Atsushi Hori (R-CCS)
Fundamental characteristics of interconnect networks used and proposed for high performance computing will be introduced and some insights from the viewpoint of failure and recovery will be presented.
Hands-On Efficient Multilevel Checkpointing with FTI for Large Scale Systems
Leonardo Bautista Gomez (BSC)
Large scale supercomputers experience several failures per day. Fault tolerance and in particular, scalable multilevel checkpointing, are critical for the efficiency of high performance system. In this talk, we focus on how to guarantee high reliability for scientific applications running in large infrastructures. In particular, we cover all the technical content necessary to implement scalable multilevel checkpointing in large supercomputers. This course will present the internals of the FTI library, to demonstrate how multilevel checkpointing is implemented today. This includes code analysis and execution traces to help the attendees grasp the fundamental parts of this technique. In addition, we will have hands-on examples that the attendees can analyse in their own laptops, so that they learn how to use FTI in practice, and lately transfer that knowledge to their production runs. By the end of the talk, the attendees will be able to implement multilevel checkpointing in their production codes running in large scale platforms.
Hands-On Overview of Fault Injection Techniques for HPC
Jon Calhoun (EXT)
In this session, we will overview several methods for HPC fault injection covering both fail-stop and fail-silent faults. In particular, we will have a hand on with the fault injector FlipIt. FlipIt is a compiler based silent error injector that allows a high degree of user customization when injecting faults. In addition, we demonstrate FlipIt’s analysis tool to greatly simplify visualization of fault injection results.
End of Day 2