Automatic I/O scheduling algorithm selection for parallel file systems

  • Head
  • Cortes Toni (BSC)
  • Members
  • Zanon Boito Francieli (INRIA)
  • Nou Ramon (BSC)
  • Mehaut Jean-Francois (INRIA)
  • Navaux Phillipe (UIUC)

Research topics and goals

This is an finished collaboration between researchers from the BSC, INRIA, and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).

We are investigating the use of pattern matching at parallel file system (PFS) servers for automatic I/O scheduling algorithm selection. Previous research from Boito et al. (INRIA, UFRGS) indicated the best choice in scheduling algorithm for PFS servers depends on characteristics of the applications and of the server, therefore there is potential for dynamic algorithm selection to improve performance. Additionally, previous research from Nou et al. (BSC, IOLanes European project, FP7-248615) applied pattern matching for dynamic scheduler selection in the context of disk scheduling. The main difference between the contexts of disk scheduling and parallel file system scheduler is the level - the former works with blocks, while the latter works with files and offsets. Furthermore, the high concurrency in the access to the servers, and the variability of arrival times impose a greater challenge to the pattern matching task.

The collaboration started during the JLESC workshop in June 2015, in Barcelona. Progress has been slow due to the lack of personnel.

Report 2015/2016

As a first step, it was important to check the viability of such dynamic scheduling algorithm selection. Previously evaluated approaches involved selecting an algorithm at the beginning of the execution only. On the other hand, the idea of this work is to have a time window of requests to form a pattern, and re-select the algorithm after each pattern. The viability of this approach is related to the size of the window, which impacts the pattern matching capacities.

A new scheduling policy was added to the AGIOS scheduling library (developed by Francieli Boito). This scheduler, called Armed Bandit, periodically changes the scheduling algorithm in place. It does not use any knowledge about patterns, but keeps performance metrics (measured in different time windows) to each scheduling algorithm available, and selects the next algorithm randomly, giving higher probability to the algorithms that presented higher performance.

Experiments were conducted with different window lengths, using the OrangeFS parallel file system, searching for a balance between performance improvements and the overhead of deciding and changing the scheduling algorithm. Results show that 4s windows are a good trade-off, and the results are also similar to what was observed to the best static scheduling algorithm in each situation, as long as tests are long enough to compensate the initial phases when the mechanism is changing between schedulers just to collect information. This indicated there is potential for the pattern matching approach to be successful, and provides a baseline of comparison for its results.

Report 2016/2017

The idea of the pattern matching approach is to build a knowledge base about access patterns and performance with different scheduling algorithms. A Markov chain must be built with these patterns, so by predicting the next pattern, we can change the scheduling algorithm to the best one for that pattern. The pattern matching module, added to AGIOS, is executed after each time window. The pattern observed during this window is compared with existing patterns, and stored as a new one if there is no match. Performance information with different scheduling algorithms is kept to each pattern, so with the prediction we can also choose the next algorithm to be used. When information is not enough to decide, the Armed Bandit approach can be used. It is clear the success of the approach depends on how access patterns are represented, matched, and predicted, hence this was the first aspect to be evaluated.

Patterns are represented as time series of file offset differences (each point is the distance inside the file between two consecutive requests). Situations with multiple files are modeled with an idea of a virtual disk where files are placed sequentially, so the distance between positions in different files can be measured. To compare patterns, the FastDTW approximation of the DTW algorithm was used. Additional information about patterns - number of read/write requests, amount of data read/written, number of accessed files, etc - are used before comparing the time series to improve the quality of the results and to decrease the number of calls to DTW.

The time series comparison results in a score that depends on the time series, so these scores are normalized by the maximum DTW score observed by the pattern matching module. The normalized scores are compared to a given threshold to decide if the patterns match or not. Depending on the past comparisons, it may be the case that very similar patterns do not match because of the inadequate maximum score, but by adjusting this value over time, the mechanism decisions are expected to improve after an initial phase.

We executed the MPI-IO Test benchmark generating different access patterns regarding spatiality (contiguous or non-contiguous), request size (32KB, 4MB, or 16MB), and number of processes (32 or 64). A set of these executions, composed of 120 executions (10 repetitions of each of the 12 different tests), was provided to the mechanism in random order.

Initial evaluations showed the mechanism creates very small knowledge bases, meaning it was matching more patterns than it should. We have also identified the comparisons between patterns using FastDTW could become a performance problem as the knowledge base grows.

Report 2017/2018

The behavior of the FastDTW mechanism when comparing patterns was further analyzed, leading to better choices for the mechanism’s parameters such as the maximum tolerated difference between patterns and the threshold for matching. New results presented good results when comparing 1D strided application patterns, but results were not as good for contiguous application patterns, as they lead to more non-contiguous patterns at server-side, and the distances calculated between the time series become higher.

To mitigate this problem, we have investigated compression of patterns, using buckets to combine requests in order to make patterns shorter. The compression decreases the variation between repetitions of the same application access pattern, and improves results for the contiguous case.

Regarding performance, the sequential FastDTW code was modified to optimize its memory accesses, leading to a speedup of up to 6000. Additionally, we implemented version that uses OpenMP to perform different comparisons in parallel. Preliminary results show a speedup of 2 with 4 OpenMP threads.

We are now investigating the pattern matching mechanism with more complex patterns, mixing read and write operations to multiple files from multiple applications. In the next months, we hope to translate these results into performance improvements, and write a scientific paper with our findings.

Visits and meetings

Email interaction. Meetings in JLESC’16 at Kobe. Telco to discuss new results.

Impact and publications

None yet.

    Future plans

    The project is considered finished, and had opened new collaboration with the same actors that will create a new project inside the JLESC umbrella. For this finished project, the final step is to write a paper and publish the results.


    1. Boito, Francieli Zanon, Rodrigo Virote Kassick, Philippe O. A. Navaux, and Yves Denneulin. 2016. “Automatic I/O Scheduling Algorithm Selection for Parallel File Systems.” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 28 (8): 2457–72.
        author = {Boito, Francieli Zanon and Kassick, Rodrigo Virote and Navaux, Philippe O. A. and Denneulin, Yves},
        title = {Automatic I/O scheduling algorithm selection for parallel file systems},
        journal = {Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience},
        volume = {28},
        number = {8},
        issn = {1532-0634},
        url = {},
        doi = {10.1002/cpe.3606},
        pages = {2457--2472},
        keywords = {I/O scheduling, parallel file systems, high-performance computing},
        year = {2016},
        note = {cpe.3606}
    2. Nou, R., J. Giralt, and A. Cortes. 2012. “Automatic I/O Scheduler Selection through Online Workload Analysis.” In IEEE International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing, 431–38.
        author = {Nou, R. and Giralt, J. and Cortes, A.},
        booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing},
        doi = {10.1109/UIC-ATC.2012.12},
        month = sep,
        pages = {431--438},
        title = {Automatic I/O scheduler selection through online workload analysis},
        year = {2012}