Deep Memory Hierarchies

  • Head
  • Bautista Gomez Leonardo ()
  • Members
  • Balasz Gerofi (R-CCS)
  • Perarnau Swann ()
  • Ishikawa Yukata (R-CCS)

Research topic and goals

Deep Memory Hierarchies are an important part of future exascale systems and as they come opening new opportunities, they also bring significant challenges to the HPC world. In particular, it is not clear what is the best and more efficient way to use such devices, how to position the data related to performance metrics but also to reliability constrains is an open question. In this project we investigate all these issues, from memory access patterns to interfaces to easily handle multiple memory devices with different bandwidth, latency and reliability characteristics.

Results for 2019/2020

Following earlier successes in this collaboration on abstractions and mechanisms for monitoring application memory accesses, we have shifted the work to focus on the intersection of machine learning and memory management.

During his second visit to RIKEN, Aleix has investigated machine learning workloads from a system’s perspective. Specifically, he has been focusing on memory management issues in pytorch and identified a number of opportunities for OS level performance improvement. This is an ongoing effort, which we anticipate to lead to another joint publication.

Argonne and RIKEN are also working on another side of memory management: the use of reinforcement learning in the control of the page placement of memory in applications. We identified gem5, a cycle-accurate simulator, as the basis for this work. We have prototyped the missing systems calls required for our experiments in the gem5 emulation layer, and discussed how to connect with a python distributed RL framework developed by RIKEN.

Results for 2020/2021

We have extended the gem5 simulator to support heterogeneous memory devices, and we have been working on interfacing runtime information between gem5 and python based ML frameworks (e.g., pytorch). The ultimate goal is to drive decisions on memory allocations and data movement in heterogeneous memory environments using machine learning in real time.

Results for 2021/2022

As compute nodes complexity in high-performance computing (HPC) keeps increasing, systems equipped with heterogeneous memory devices are becoming paramount. Efficiently utilizing heterogeneous memory based systems, however, poses significant challenges to application developers. System software level transparent solutions utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning based approaches, in particular non-supervised learning based methods such as reinforcement learning, may come to the rescue. However, such methods require rapid estimation of execution runtime as a function of the data layout across memory devices for exploring different data placement strategies, rendering architecture-level simulators impractical for this purpose. We introduced a differential tracing based approach using memory access traces obtained by high-frequency sampling-based methods on real hardware running out of different memory devices. We developed a runtime estimator based on such traces that provides an execution time estimate orders of magnitudes faster than full system simulators. On a number of HPC mini-applications we showed that the estimator predicts runtime with an average error of 4.4% compared to measurements on real hardware. There is a paper in progress and a short talk about this work was given on the last JLESC Workshop.

Results for 2022/2023

We have published our study on using high-frequency performance counter sampling to build performance estimates on memory placement at ISC2022 (Denoyelle et al. 2022). Following staff departures at RIKEN and BSC, this project is now closed.

Visits and meetings

Internship of Aleix Roca at RIKEN between November 2019 and February 2020, under the supervision of Balazs Gerofi.

We schedule regular video meetings between members, and are meeting regularly during scientific conferences (ICPP19, SC19, SIAM PP20).

Impact and publications

  1. Denoyelle, Nicolas, Swann Perarnau, Kamil Iskra, and Balazs Gerofi. 2022. “Rapid Execution Time Estimation for Heterogeneous Memory Systems Through Differential Tracing.” In High Performance Computing. Springer International Publishing.
      author = {Denoyelle, Nicolas and Perarnau, Swann and Iskra, Kamil and Gerofi, Balazs},
      title = {Rapid Execution Time Estimation for Heterogeneous Memory Systems
      	  Through Differential Tracing},
      booktitle = {High Performance Computing},
      year = {2022},
      publisher = {Springer International Publishing}


  1. Nonell, Aleix Roca, Balazs Gerofi, Leonardo Bautista-Gomez, Dominique Martinet, Vicenç Beltran Querol, and Yutaka Ishikawa. 2018. “On the Applicability of PEBS Based Online Memory Access Tracking for Heterogeneous Memory Management at Scale.” In Proceedings of the Workshop on Memory Centric High Performance Computing, 50–57. ACM.
      title = {On the Applicability of PEBS based Online Memory Access Tracking for Heterogeneous Memory Management at Scale},
      author = {Nonell, Aleix Roca and Gerofi, Balazs and Bautista-Gomez, Leonardo and Martinet, Dominique and Querol, Vicen{\c{c}} Beltran and Ishikawa, Yutaka},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Memory Centric High Performance Computing},
      pages = {50--57},
      year = {2018},
      organization = {ACM}