Extreme-Scale Workflow Tools - Swift, Decaf, Damaris, FlowVR

  • Head
  • Peterka Tom (ANL)
  • Members
  • Wozniak Justin (ANL)
  • Yildiz Orcun (ANL)
  • Ross Rob (ANL)
  • Antoniu Gabriel (INRIA)
  • Dorier Matthieu (ANL)
  • Raffin Bruno (INRIA)
  • Nicolae Bogdan (ANL)
  • Taufer Michela (UTK)
  • Badia Rosa M. (BSC)

Research topic and goals

The goal of the Swift/Decaf/Damaris/FlowVR collaboration is to enhance the programmability of advanced applications composed of simulation and analysis modules. The Decaf project (Peterka), primarily funded by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, is developing a transport layer, high-level data flow primitives (selection, aggregation, pipelining, and buffering), and a high-level data description layer. Swift (Wozniak), funded through Argonne LDRD, offers a rich, implicitly parallel programming language and scalable, load-balanced runtime. Damaris (Antoniu) provides asynchronous resources (dedicated cores/nodes) that can be used for I/O, analysis, and visualization. FlowVR (Raffin) is a generic framework for building complex dataflows by plugging components into a Python interface. We intend to compare and contrast these tools and combine some of them to investigate computer science challenges in creating a highly useful, efficient analysis system.

Results for 2015/2016

  • M. Dorier led the authorship of the ISAV 2015 workshop paper on lessons learned developing all four tools (Dorier et al. 2015).
  • M. Dreher and J. Wozniak developed an initial integration plan for Swift and Decaf.
  • M. Dreher presented an initial suite of workflows at the December 2015 meeting.
  • T. Peterka co-organized SC15 BOF on scientific workflows.
  • M. Dreher and B. Raffin integrated the Decaf redistribution component with FlowVR and we published a Cluster 2016 paper on this research (Dreher and Peterka 2016).

Results for 2016/2017


  • Matthieu Dorier (ANL), Gabriel Antoniu (INRIA), Franck Cappello (ANL), Marc Snir (UIUC), Roberto Sisneros (UIUC), Orcun Yildiz (INRIA), Shadi Ibrahim (INRIA), Tom Peterka (INRIA) and Leigh Orf (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

A paper synthesizing the results obtained with Damaris for I/O and in situ visualization was published in the ACM TOPC journal (Dorier et al. 2016).

  • Matthieu Dorier of ANL, Laurent Debreu of INRIA

We enabled in situ visualization in the CROCO ocean simulation using Damaris and VisIt. This work was presented by Matthieu Dorier at the VisIt tutorial of Supercomputing 2016 (Salt Lake City) and at a pannel at LDAV 2016 (Baltimore), and by Hadi Salimi at the INRIA booth of SC2016.

The Bredala library for data model and data redistribution between parallel applications

  • Matthieu Dreher and Tom Peterka (ANL), Bruno Raffin (INRIA)

The Bredala library is one of the base layer of Decaf. The work is done in collaboration with Bruno Raffin (INRIA) to evaluate the interest of integrating Bredala with FlowVR. A paper on Bredala was published at Cluster 2016 (Dreher and Peterka 2016).

Decaf, FlowVR, Damaris, HPC/big data convergence

  • Bruno Raffin and Gabriel Antoniu of INRIA, Tom Peterka of ANL

This is an exploratory action to evaluate the potential of Big Data approaches for the analysis of large simulation data (actual performance of existing tools, expressiveness of their programming model, integration issues with the HPC stack, etc.). Bruno Raffin gave a talk at Argonne in November 2016 to give an overview of modern Map/Reduce framework and report on the development of the Velassco query based visualization framework based on Hadoop. Gabriel Antoniu participated in the BDEC meetings focused on this topic. Gabriel and Bruno have initiated a prospective reflexion on this subject at INRIA level.

PyCompss, Decaf distributed/in situ workflow convergence

  • Rosa Badia and Jorge Ejarque of BSC, Matthieu Dreher and Tom Peterka of ANL

We are investigating potential convergences between distributed workflows (or wide area workflows) and in situ workflows. PyCommps is a workflow engine developed at BSC aiming at coordinating the execution of jobs in a wide area. Data exchanges between tasks are done through files. This approach is very convenient for wide areas but are not suitable for HPC resources. Decaf is a runtime to describe and execute in situ workflows. Decaf focuses on coordinating tasks running on the same cluster or data-center. In this context data are exchanged through memory or high performance networks. We are currently building prototypes combining both runtimes where a Decaf workflow is an individual task in a PyCommps workflow. The objective is to automate the full science pipeline to discovery by merging high performance in situ workflows (Decaf) with traditional post-processing methods into a single workflow (PyCommps).

Decaf, Swift workflow integration

  • Tom Peterka, Matthieu Dreher and Justin Wozniak of ANL

In the first stage, the goal is for swift to be able to execute Decaf workflow as a task. The resources are allocated by Swift and given to the Decaf runtime. We built a first prototype for a simple workflow composed of two tasks exchanging data. The long term objective is for Swift and Decaf to be able to exchange the graph information so that a user could build the graph of the workflow in the Swift language. Another long term objective is for Swift to use Bredala, the data model library of Decaf, to exchange data in parallel between tasks.

Flow control management for In Situ workflows

  • Bruno Raffin, INRIA and Matthieu Dreher of ANL

Current In Situ infrastructures adopt very often a fixed policy to manage mismatch data rates between parallel tasks exchanging data. If the consumer is too slow, a policy might be to hold the producer, slowing down the whole pipeline to the slowest component, or to drop an entire frame. FlowVR communication channels are FIFO by default as well, meaning that overflows could happen as well. However, FlowVR provides components called filters and synchronizer to create more complex sampling policies. We are building a communication library based on the same principles as the components of FlowVR with several improvements: 1) Possibility to buffer data in several memory layers, 2) Buffering done synchronously or asynchronously 3) communications done in parallel, 4) supercomputer compliant.

Data contract for In Situ workflows

  • Clement Mommessin (ANL), supervised by Matthieu Dreher (ANL), Bruno Raffin (INRIA) and Tom Peterka (ANL)

Scientific workflows are an aggregation of several tasks exchanging messaging. Usually each task is developed independently as a single piece of software. When integrating these codes into a workflow, the developer has to build interfaces to exchange data between each task. To get the best performance for a particular workflow, the user should only send necessary data. However, simulation and analysis codes are complex code hard to maintain. It is then desired that the user modify only once their respective code. This imposes that the developer should expose as much data as possible to cover the maximum of use cases. Yet this approach could create significant performance impact due to unnecessary data being sent for a particular workflow. We are currently investigating the notion of contracts for tasks. A contract is a declaration by the user of all the data that a particular need to work and all the data that the task can emit. Given this information, we can perform several checks and optimizations. First we check that the user is not trying to connect incompatible tasks with a data model mismatch. Second we can check at runtime that each task is sending the correct data. Third we can filter the data at runtime to send only necessary data for each consumer. This work is currently being integrated in Decaf.

Results for 2017/2018

PyCompss, Decaf distributed/in situ workflow convergence

  • Rosa Badia and Jorge Ejarque of BSC, Matthieu Dreher and Tom Peterka of ANL

We are investigating convergence between distributed workflows (or wide area workflows) and in situ workflows. PyCOMPSs is a workflow engine developed at BSC aiming at coordinating the execution of jobs in a wide area. Data exchanges between tasks are done through files. This approach is very convenient for wide areas but are not suitable for HPC resources. Decaf is a runtime to describe and execute in situ workflows. Decaf focuses on coordinating tasks running on the same cluster or data-center. In this context data are exchanged through memory or high performance networks. We have built a prototype combining both runtimes where a Decaf workflow is an individual task in a PyCOMPSs workflow. The objective is to automate the full science pipeline to discovery by merging high performance in situ workflows (Decaf) with traditional post-processing methods into a single workflow (PyCOMPSs).

In 2018, our goal is to investigate science use cases of such an integrated distributed area / in situ workflow system. We have identified one synthetic example derived from cosmology and one actual example derived from materials science. In the first case, the in situ workflow consists of three tasks – synthetic particle generation, Voronoi tessellation, and density estimation – while the distributed area workflow is a Python plotting task to visualize the results. In the second case, the in situ workflow consists of the LAMMPS molecular dynamics code and in situ filtering of molecule clusters while the distributed area workflow consists of a Python visualization engine.

Flow control management for in situ workflows

  • Bruno Raffin, INRIA, Matthieu Dreher and Tom Peterka of ANL

Current in situ infrastructures often adopt a fixed policy to manage mismatched data rates between parallel tasks exchanging data. If the consumer is too slow, a policy might be to block the producer, slowing down the whole pipeline to the slowest component, or to drop an entire frame. We built a communication library called Manala that offers: 1) Possibility to buffer data in several memory layers, 2) Buffering done synchronously or asynchronously 3) communications done in parallel, 4) is part of the Decaf project and is compatible with the Bredala data model previously developed in this project. This work was published in IEEE Cluster 2017 (Dreher et al. 2017) and was presented by Matthieu Dreher.

Data contracts for in situ workflows

  • Clement Mommessin (ANL), supervised by Matthieu Dreher (ANL), Bruno Raffin (INRIA) and Tom Peterka (ANL)

Scientific workflows are an aggregation of several tasks exchanging data. Usually each task is developed independently as a single piece of software. When integrating these codes into a workflow, the developer has to build interfaces to exchange data between each task. To get the best performance for a particular workflow, the user should only send necessary data. However, simulation and analysis codes are complex code hard to maintain. In order to minimize code changes, the developer often exposes as much data as possible to cover the maximum number of use cases. Yet this approach could create significant performance impact due to unnecessary data being sent for a particular workflow. We solved this problem with the notion of contracts for tasks. A contract is a declaration by the user of all the data that a particular need to work and all the data that the task can produce. Given this information, we can perform several checks and optimizations. First, we check that the user is not trying to connect incompatible tasks with a data model mismatch. Second, we can check at runtime that each task is sending the correct data. Third, we can filter the data at runtime to send only necessary data for each consumer. This work is part of the Decaf project and is compatible with the Bredala data model and Manala flow control library developed in this project. This work was published in IEEE Cluster 2017 (Mommessin et al. 2017) and was presented by Matthieu Dreher on behalf of Clement Mommessin.

Data contracts for storage systems

  • Matthieu Dorier (ANL) and Matthieu Dreher (ANL)

The data contract idea described above was extended to storage systems. Data management is a critical component of high-performance computing, with storage as a cornerstone. Yet the traditional model of parallel file systems fails to meet users’ needs, in terms of both performance and features. In response, we proposed CoSS, a new storage model based on contracts. Contracts encapsulate in the same entity the data model (type, dimensions, units, etc.) and the intended uses of the data. They enable the storage system to work with much more knowledge about the input and output expected from an application and how it should be exposed to the user. This knowledge enables CoSS to optimize data formatting and placement to best fit user’s requirements, storage space, and performance. Matthieu Dorier presented a concept paper at the SC17 PDSW workshop (Dorier et al. 2017) that introduces the idea of contract-based storage systems and presents some of the opportunities it offers, in order to motivate further research in this direction.

Workflows and operating systems

Implementing an in situ workflow involves several challenges related to data placement, task scheduling, efficient communication, scalability, and reliability. Most current in situ workflow systems focus on high-performance communications and low-overhead execution models at the cost of reliability and flexibility. One of the key design choices in such infrastructures is between providing a single-program, integrated environment or a multiple-program, connected environment, both solutions having their own strengths and weaknesses. While these approaches might be appropriate for current production systems, the expected characteristics of exascale machines will shift current priorities. After surveying the trade offs and challenges of integrated and connected in situ workflow solutions available today, we studied how exascale systems will impact those designs. In particular, we identified missing features of current system software required for the evolution of in situ workflows toward exascale and how system software innovations can help address those challenges. Matthieu Dreher presented a concept paper at the SC17 ISAV workshop (Dreher et al. 2017) on these topics.

Results for 2018/2019

PyCompss, Decaf distributed/in situ workflow convergence

  • Rosa Badia and Jorge Ejarque of BSC, Orcun Yildiz and Tom Peterka of ANL

Workflow systems promise scientists an automated end-to-end path from hypothesis to discovery. However, it is impractical to expect any single system to deliver such a wide range of capabilities. A more practical solution is to compose the end-to-end workflow from more than one system. With this goal in mind, the integration between distributed and in situ workflows is explored, where the result is a hierarchical heterogeneous workflow composed of sub-workflows, with different levels of the hierarchy using different programming, execution, and data models.

In 2018, we finalized the implementation of this hierarchical workflow composition that uses PyCOMPSs and Decaf as the distributed and in situ workflow tools, respectively. We evaluated our approach by performing experiments in materials science. The in situ Decaf sub-workflow consists of the LAMMPS molecular dynamics simulation coupled to a parallel in situ feature detector that selects nucleated molecule clusters during crystallization. Meanwhile, the PyCOMPSs distributed area workflow launches an ensemble of in situ Decaf workflows with different initial conditions, saves results from experiments that successfully nucleated, and collects frames from those ensemble members into an animation. Our results reveal that heterogeneous workflow integration is advantageous to both distributed area and in situ workflow systems. This work is currently being reviewed for a journal publication.

Results for 2019/2020

PyCompss, Decaf distributed/in situ workflow convergence

  • Rosa Badia and Jorge Ejarque of BSC, Orcun Yildiz and Tom Peterka of ANL

Workflow systems promise scientists an automated end-to-end path from hypothesis to discovery. However, it is impractical to expect any single system to deliver such a wide range of capabilities. A more practical solution is to compose the end-to-end workflow from more than one system. With this goal in mind, the integration between distributed and in situ workflows is explored, where the result is a hierarchical heterogeneous workflow composed of sub-workflows, with different levels of the hierarchy using different programming, execution, and data models.

In 2019, we completed the implementation of this hierarchical workflow composition that uses PyCOMPSs and Decaf as the distributed and in situ workflow tools and published the results in the Journal Computing in Science and Engineering special issue on scientific workflows (Yildiz et al. 2019).

We are continuing to apply a similar hierarchical composition to particle accelerator high-energy physics applications in 2020.

Results for 2020/2021

Shared-memory communication for containerized workflows

  • Tanner Hobson and Jian Huang of UTK, Orcun Yildiz, Bogdan Nicolae and Tom Peterka of ANL

Scientific computation increasingly consists of a workflow of interrelated tasks. Containerization can make workflow systems more manageable, reproducible, and portable, but containers can impede communication due to their focus on encapsulation. In some circumstances, shared-memory regions are an effective way to improve performance of workflows; however sharing memory between containerized workflow tasks is difficult. In this work, we have created a software library called Dhmem that manages shared memory between workflow tasks in separate containers, with minimal code change and performance overhead. Instead of all code being in the same container, Dhmem allows a separate container for each workflow task to be constructed completely independently. Dhmem enables additional functionality: easy integration in existing workflow systems, communication configuration at runtime based on the environment, and scalable performance.

In 2020, we started a new collaboration between ANL and UTK, and hosted Tanner Hobson as a summer student, where he developed the Dhmem software that enables shared-memory communication for containerized workflows. We published our results in IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid21) (Hobson et al. 2021).

Results for 2021/2022

Dynamic Heterogeneous Task Specification and Execution for In Situ Workflows

  • Orcun Yildiz, Bogdan Nicolae and Tom Peterka of ANL

Today’s science campaigns consist of multiple tasks with wide-ranging data and computing requirements, and rarely are all the required capabilities found in current in situ workflow systems. In this work, we explore providing increased capabilities for scientific computing by bringing new capabilities to in situ workflows: a flexible interface for workflow specification, heterogeneous task placement, and dynamic changes to the workflow task graph. We evaluate our approach using materials science and cosmology use cases. Our results show that our approach (i) can save time and resources in science workflows exhibiting dynamic patterns by enabling dynamic workflow changes during their lifetime; (ii) enables easier specification of large-scale workflows consisting of subgraphs and ensemble computations; (iii) efficiently coordinates heterogeneous tasks by enabling free intermixing of time and space partitioning, thus resulting in time and space savings.

We have published our results in 2021 IEEE Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS) (Yildiz et al. 2021). In 2022, we will continue to apply our approach, dynamic heterogeneous in situ workflows, to several science use cases including elastic distributed deep learning ones. This is a joint project between Orcun Yildiz, Bogdan Nicolae and Tom Peterka of ANL, and we are actively looking for students to help us with this project.

Results for 2023/2024

LowFive: In Situ Data Transport for High-Performance Workflows

  • Tom Peterka, Orcun Yildiz, and Bogdan Nicolae of ANL

We describe LowFive, a new data transport layer based on the HDF5 data model, for in situ workflows. Executables using LowFive can communicate in situ (using in-memory data and MPI message passing), reading and writing traditional HDF5 files to physical storage, and combining the two modes. Minimal and often no source-code modification is needed for programs that already use HDF5. LowFive maintains deep copies or shallow references of datasets, configurable by the user. More than one task can produce (write) data, and more than one task can consume (read) data, accommodating fan-in and fan-out in the workflow task graph. LowFive supports data redistribution from n producer processes to m consumer processes. We demonstrate the above features in a series of experiments featuring both synthetic benchmarks as well as a representative use case from a scientific workflow, and we also compare with other data transport solutions in the literature.

We have published our results in 2023 International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) (Peterka et al. 2023).

Results for 2024/2025

Wilkins: HPC In Situ Workflows Made Easy

  • Orcun Yildiz, Tom Peterka, and Bogdan Nicolae of ANL

In situ approaches can accelerate the pace of scientific discoveries by allowing scientists to perform data analysis at simulation time. Current in situ workflow systems, however, face challenges in handling the growing complexity and diverse computational requirements of scientific tasks. In this work, we present Wilkins, an in situ workflow system that is designed for ease-of-use while providing scalable and efficient execution of workflow tasks. Wilkins provides a flexible workflow description interface, employs a high-performance data transport layer based on HDF5, and supports tasks with disparate data rates by providing a flow control mechanism. Wilkins seamlessly couples scientific tasks that already use HDF5, without requiring task code modifications. We demonstrate the above features using both synthetic benchmarks and two science use cases in materials science and cosmology.

We have published our results in the Frontiers in HPC journal (Yildiz et al. 2024).

Extreme-scale workflows: A perspective from the JLESC international community

  • Orcun Yildiz and Tom Peterka of ANL, Bruno Raffin of Inria, and Rosa M. Badia of BSC

The Joint Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing (JLESC) focuses on software challenges in high-performance computing systems to meet the needs of today’s science campaigns, which often require large resources, consist of multiple tasks, and generate vast amounts of data. In this context, extreme-scale workflows have been the key factor in enabling scientific discoveries by helping scientists automate the dependencies and data exchanges between workflow tasks, instead of managing those manually. In this paper we present representative extreme- scale workflows and feature workflow systems developed by JLESC participating institutions. We present lessons learned while developing these tools, alongside with the open challenges and future research directions in the field of extreme-scale workflows.

We have published our results in the Elsevier FGCS Journal (Yildiz et al. 2024).

Accelerating Neural Architecture Search With Wilkins

  • Orcun Yildiz and Tom Peterka of ANL, Kin Wai Ng and Michela Taufer of UTK

Finding accurate neural networks for specific scientific datasets or problems often involves searching through thousands of architectures, resulting in high computational costs. To address this, the Global Computing Lab (GCL) at UTK and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) have collaborated to advance neural architecture search (NAS) algorithms by integrating two tools: Analytics for Neural Networks (A4NN), developed by GCL, and Wilkins, developed by ANL. The A4NN workflow is designed to significantly reduce the time and resources required to identify accurate and efficient neural network (NN) architectures. Wilkins is a workflow orchestrator that enhances A4NN by providing a flexible interface for workflow specification, a high-performance HDF5-based data transport layer, and flow control mechanisms for tasks with varying data rates. This integration simplifies the execution of decoupled tasks in A4NN, including early stopping of NN training through parametric modeling or identifying redundant networks based on structural similarity. Preliminary results on baseline datasets demonstrated minimal overhead while significantly improving flexibility and time savings compared to the previous A4NN version. For future work, we plan to rigorously evaluate the enhanced workflow on diverse scientific datasets and incorporate additional decoupled tasks, such as incremental checkpointing strategies, to optimize storage utilization and further enhance the efficiency of NAS processes.

Visits and meetings

  • Pierre-Louis Guhur of ENS 9 months at ANL in 2016
  • Clement Mommessin of INRIA 6 months at ANL in winter 2016/2017
  • Estelle Dirand of INRIA 3 days at ANL (28-29 July 2016)
  • Bruno Raffin of INRIA 3 days at ANL (7-9 November 2016)
  • Estelle Dirant participated in the ATPESC summer school at ANL in 2016
  • Orcun Yildiz hired as a postdoc in ANL, under the direction of Tom Peterka, beginning in February 2018

Impact and publications

  1. Yildiz, Orcun, Dmitriy Morozov, Arnur Nigmetov, Bogdan Nicolae, and Tom Peterka. 2024. “Wilkins: HPC in Situ Workflows Made Easy.” Frontiers in High Performance Computing 2: 1472719.
      title = {Wilkins: HPC in situ workflows made easy},
      author = {Yildiz, Orcun and Morozov, Dmitriy and Nigmetov, Arnur and Nicolae, Bogdan and Peterka, Tom},
      journal = {Frontiers in High Performance Computing},
      volume = {2},
      pages = {1472719},
      year = {2024},
      publisher = {Frontiers Media SA}
  2. Yildiz, Orcun, Amal Gueroudji, Julien Bigot, Bruno Raffin, Rosa M Badia, and Tom Peterka. 2024. “Extreme-Scale Workflows: A Perspective from the JLESC International Community.” Future Generation Computer Systems.
      title = {Extreme-scale workflows: A perspective from the JLESC international community},
      author = {Yildiz, Orcun and Gueroudji, Amal and Bigot, Julien and Raffin, Bruno and Badia, Rosa M and Peterka, Tom},
      journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems},
      year = {2024},
      publisher = {Elsevier}
  3. Peterka, Tom, Dmitriy Morozov, Arnur Nigmetov, Orcun Yildiz, Bogdan Nicolae, and Philip E Davis. 2023. “LowFive: In Situ Data Transport for High-Performance Workflows.” In IPDPS’23: The 37th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium.
      title = {LowFive: In Situ Data Transport for High-Performance Workflows},
      author = {Peterka, Tom and Morozov, Dmitriy and Nigmetov, Arnur and Yildiz, Orcun and Nicolae, Bogdan and Davis, Philip E},
      booktitle = {IPDPS'23: The 37th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium},
      year = {2023}
  4. Yildiz, Orcun, Dmitriy Morozov, Bogdan Nicolae, and Tom Peterka. 2021. “Dynamic Heterogeneous Task Specification and Execution for In Situ Workflows.” In 2021 IEEE Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), 25–32. IEEE Computer Society.
      title = {Dynamic Heterogeneous Task Specification and Execution for In Situ Workflows},
      author = {Yildiz, Orcun and Morozov, Dmitriy and Nicolae, Bogdan and Peterka, Tom},
      booktitle = {2021 IEEE Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS)},
      pages = {25--32},
      year = {2021},
      organization = {IEEE Computer Society}
  5. Hobson, Tanner, Orcun Yildiz, Bogdan Nicolae, Jian Huang, and Tom Peterka. 2021. “Shared-Memory Communication for Containerized Workflows.” In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid). CCGrid ’21. IEEE/ACM.
      author = {Hobson, Tanner and Yildiz, Orcun and Nicolae, Bogdan and Huang, Jian and Peterka, Tom},
      title = {Shared-Memory Communication for Containerized Workflows},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid)},
      series = {CCGrid '21},
      year = {2021},
      location = {Melbourne, Australia},
      pages = {},
      numpages = {},
      url = {},
      doi = {},
      acmid = {},
      publisher = {IEEE/ACM},
      keywords = {shared memory, workflow systems, containers},
      pdf = {}
  6. Yildiz, O., J. Ejarque, H. Chan, S. Sankaranarayanan, R. M. Badia, and T. Peterka. 2019. “Heterogeneous Hierarchical Workflow Composition.” Computing in Science Engineering 21 (4): 76–86. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCSE.2019.2918766.
      author = {{Yildiz}, O. and {Ejarque}, J. and {Chan}, H. and {Sankaranarayanan}, S. and {Badia}, R. M. and {Peterka}, T.},
      journal = {Computing in Science Engineering},
      title = {Heterogeneous Hierarchical Workflow Composition},
      year = {2019},
      volume = {21},
      number = {4},
      pages = {76-86},
      keywords = {natural sciences computing;workflow management software;hierarchical heterogeneous workflow;heterogeneous hierarchical workflow composition;workflow systems;automated end-to-end path;single workflow system;end-to-end workflow;in situ workflows;subworkflows;data models;materials science use cases;Task analysis;Computational modeling;Workflow management software;Data models;Data visualization;Analytical models;Heterogeneous networks},
      doi = {10.1109/MCSE.2019.2918766},
      issn = {1558-366X},
      month = jul
  7. Dreher, Matthieu, Kiran Sasikumar, Subramanian Sankaranarayanan, and Tom Peterka. 2017. “Manala: a Flexible Flow Control Library for Asynchronous Task Communication.” In Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2017 IEEE International Conference On, 509–19. IEEE.
      title = {Manala: a Flexible Flow Control Library for Asynchronous Task Communication},
      author = {Dreher, Matthieu and Sasikumar, Kiran and Sankaranarayanan, Subramanian and Peterka, Tom},
      booktitle = {Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2017 IEEE International Conference on},
      pages = {509--519},
      year = {2017},
      organization = {IEEE}
  8. Mommessin, Clément, Matthieu Dreher, Bruno Raffin, and Tom Peterka. 2017. “Automatic Data Filtering for In Situ Workflows.” In Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2017 IEEE International Conference On, 370–78. IEEE.
      title = {Automatic Data Filtering for In Situ Workflows},
      author = {Mommessin, Cl{\'e}ment and Dreher, Matthieu and Raffin, Bruno and Peterka, Tom},
      booktitle = {Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2017 IEEE International Conference on},
      pages = {370--378},
      year = {2017},
      organization = {IEEE}
  9. Dorier, Matthieu, Matthieu Dreher, Tom Peterka, and Robert Ross. 2017. “CoSS: Proposing a Contract-Based Storage System for HPC.” In Proceedings of PDSW SC17 Workshop.
      title = {CoSS: Proposing a Contract-Based Storage System for HPC},
      author = {Dorier, Matthieu and Dreher, Matthieu and Peterka, Tom and Ross, Robert},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of PDSW SC17 Workshop},
      year = {2017}
  10. Dreher, Matthieu, Swann Perarnau, Tom Peterka, Kamil Iskra, and Pete Beckman. 2017. “In Situ Workflows at Exascale: System Software to the Rescue.” In Proceedings of ISAV SC17 Workshop.
      title = {In Situ Workflows at Exascale: System Software to the Rescue},
      author = {Dreher, Matthieu and Perarnau, Swann and Peterka, Tom and Iskra, Kamil and Beckman, Pete},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of ISAV SC17 Workshop},
      year = {2017}
  11. Dorier, Matthieu, Gabriel Antoniu, Franck Cappello, Marc Snir, Robert Sisneros, Orcun Yildiz, Shadi Ibrahim, Tom Peterka, and Leigh Orf. 2016. “Damaris: Addressing Performance Variability in Data Management for Post-Petascale Simulations.” ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC) 3 (3): 15.
      title = {Damaris: Addressing Performance Variability in Data Management for Post-Petascale Simulations},
      author = {Dorier, Matthieu and Antoniu, Gabriel and Cappello, Franck and Snir, Marc and Sisneros, Robert and Yildiz, Orcun and Ibrahim, Shadi and Peterka, Tom and Orf, Leigh},
      journal = {ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC)},
      volume = {3},
      number = {3},
      pages = {15},
      year = {2016},
      publisher = {ACM}
  12. Dreher, Matthieu, and Tom Peterka. 2016. “Bredala: Semantic Data Redistribution for In Situ Applications.” In Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2016 IEEE International Conference On, 279–88. IEEE.
      title = {Bredala: Semantic Data Redistribution for In Situ Applications},
      author = {Dreher, Matthieu and Peterka, Tom},
      booktitle = {Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2016 IEEE International Conference on},
      pages = {279--288},
      year = {2016},
      organization = {IEEE}
  13. Dorier, Matthieu, Matthieu Dreher, Tom Peterka, Gabriel Antoniu, Bruno Raffin, and Justin M. Wozniak. 2015. “Lessons Learned from Building In Situ Coupling Frameworks.” In First Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis And Visualization. Austin, United States. https://doi.org/10.1145/2828612.2828622.
      title = {{Lessons Learned from Building In Situ Coupling Frameworks}},
      author = {Dorier, Matthieu and Dreher, Matthieu and Peterka, Tom and Antoniu, Gabriel and Raffin, Bruno and Wozniak, Justin M.},
      url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01224846},
      booktitle = {{First Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and
      address = {Austin, United States},
      year = {2015},
      month = nov,
      doi = {10.1145/2828612.2828622},
      keywords = {Exascale ; In Situ Visualization ; Simulation ; Coupling ; Damaris ; Decaf ; FlowVR},
      pdf = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01224846/file/paper-no-cr.pdf},
      hal_id = {hal-01224846},
      hal_version = {v1}

Future plans

See above.
