Research topic and goals
Our goal is to pursue development of Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) tools, to enhance their applicability to HPC codes. We focus on the adjoint mode of AD, which is the most effective way of obtaining gradients of large HPC simulations. We focus on AD tools by source transformation because of the efficiency of the code they produce.
Results for 2016–2022
We have continued to develop a runtime library called ADMM to allow source-transformation adjoint AD of input codes that contain the operations pointers and dynamic allocation of memory. This is the first library of its kind for source transformation AD. Before this, dynamic allocation and pointer usage were unsupported in adjoint-mode-source-transformation AD. The library ensures that any memory accessed in the reverse computation exists through restoration (if needed) and contains the same value as it would have in the forward computation. Pointer variables used to access memory in the forward computation are updated to access the corresponding memory in the reverse computation. We have tested this method with a medium-sized code. After an initial version the library was developed in 2016 that targeted codes written in C we have worked on refinements to the library and extended it to be target codes written in Fortran. We are currently refining the library to account for shortcomings in the first version.
We have continued to develop the ability to interoperate OpenAD from Argonne and Tapenade from INRIA (Narayanan and Hascoet 2016). Interoperation between the OpenAD and Tapenade is possible because they share the same global architecture i.e., a front-end which parses and builds an internal representation, followed by an static data-flow analysis stage, then actual building of the differentiated program still in internal form, and finally a back-end that outputs this differentiated internal form into new source files. The interoperation uses Tapenade for parsing the code and analysis. It uses OpenAD’s XAIFBooster module for code transformation. The code to be differentiated is written into the XML Abstract Interface Form (XAIF) by Tapenade which is subsequently transformed by XAIFBooster. The transformed XAIF is converted back to source code by Tapenade. We have tested the new tool flow on various test cases from OpenAD’s regression testsuite.
Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan (ANL) developed two-level checkpointing of adjoint computations with the additional capability for suspending and restarting the computation. This was applied to MITgcm, a code that can be used to study both atmospheric and oceanic phenomena. The approach is partially based on the work previously performed by Guillaume Pallez (INRIA) and Paul Hovland (ANL).
In (Hückelheim and Hascoët 2022) we presented an extension to Tapenade. Our extension adds support for input programs containing OpenMP parallel loops. OpenMP is an industry standard that allows portable parallelization of C, C++, and Fortran programs. In our work, we focus on programs containing OpenMP worksharing loop constructs. The behavior of this construct can be controlled by the schedule
and scoping
clauses, which affect the data flow and thus must be taken into account during differentiation. Using our extension, Tapenade is able to generate derivative programs that, to a large degree, mimic the parallelism of the input programs, in both forward- and reverse-mode.
Our extension to Tapenade is based on a theoretical framework that we developed in order to reason about the correct scoping of variables in the generated derivative code. For reverse-mode AD, we also developed a runtime support library that correctly reverses OpenMP schedules and handles the storage of inputs to nonlinear intermediate operations during the original computation and retrieval during the derivative computation in a thread-safe manner. This extension is now publicly available and included by default in Tapenade distributions.
We evaluated the new Tapenade capabilities on three test cases: a stencil loop, which follows a computational pattern occurring in structured-mesh solvers, image processing, neural networks, and many other applications; a lattice-Boltzmann solver from the Parboil benchmark suite, with applications in computational fluid dynamics; and a Green’s function Monte Carlo kernel from the CORAL benchmark suite modeling nuclear physics.
The differentiated codes produced by our new version of Tapenade achieve a speedup through parallelization compared with their serial counterparts in all our test cases. The scalability of the forward mode was generally as good as that of the original codes. The reverse-mode derivative codes generally scaled less well but still achieved over 2X speedups compared with sequential code. There is a choice between atomic updates (causing a runtime overhead) and reductions (causing a memory and runtime overhead) for the adjoint, where the best choice was case dependent. Since our adjoint test cases (and possibly many other real-world applications) contain parallel updates to the same output array with a low rate of conflicts between threads, separate tool development was performed to enable faster and more memory-efficient reductions.
We are currently extending this work by investigating the use of automated theorem provers to improve the precision of the static analysis in Tapenade, and improve the parallel scalability of generated derivative programs. Specifically, we build a model in the SMT solver Z3 that contains the knowledge about array index expressions that are accessed concurrently by the input program, and use that model to determine a subset of the array index expressions in the generated derivative code that can also safely be accessed concurrently. Preliminary results of this work are presented in (Jan Hückelheim and Laurent Hascoët 2022).
We organized a minitutorial Automatic Differentiation as a Tool for Computational Science at the 2021 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering. The tutorial broadly provided an introduction to AD as well as advanced topics such as memory requirements and parallelism. We demonstrated the use of AD tools and developed resources such as Jupyter notebooks for hands-on use on Google Colab by the attendees (Hascoët et al. 2021).
Results for 2023/2024
We have successfully used Tapenade to differentiate the Massachusetts Institute of Technology General Circulation Model (MITgcm)(Gaikwad et al. 2024), a code which is widely used by the climate science community to simulate planetary atmosphere and ocean circulations. A defining feature of the MITgcm is that it has been developed to be compatible with an algorithmic differentiation (AD) tool, TAF, enabling the generation of tangent-linear and adjoint models. A subset of MITgcm was also previously differentiated using OpenAD. The tangent-linear and adjoint models provide gradient information which enables dynamics-based sensitivity and attribution studies, state and parameter estimation, and rigorous uncertainty quantification. Importantly, gradient information is essential for computing comprehensive sensitivities and performing efficient large-scale data assimilation, ensuring that observations collected from satellites and in-situ measuring instruments can be effectively used to optimize a large uncertain control space. As a result, the MITgcm forms the dynamical core of a key data assimilation product employed by the physical oceanography research community: Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) state estimate. Although MITgcm and ECCO are used extensively within the research community, the AD tool TAF is proprietary and hence inaccessible to a large proportion of these users.
Results for 2024/2025
We have added new profiling capability to Tapenade. Checkpointing is a cornerstone of data-flow reversal in adjoint algorithmic differentiation. Checkpointing is a storage/recomputation trade-off that can be applied at different levels, one of which being the call tree. We are looking for good placements of checkpoints onto the call tree of a given application, to reduce run time and memory footprint of its adjoint. There is no known optimal solution to this problem other than a combinatorial search on all placements. We have implemented a heuristics based on run-time profiling of the adjoint code. We have applied it on test cases taken from the MITgcm ocean and atmospheric global circulation model which we have previously differentiated using Tapenade.
We have differentiated HFBTHO using Tapenade. The HFBTHO code implements a nuclear energy density functional solver useful for modeling the structure of atomic nuclei. HFBTHO has previously been used to calibrate energy functionals by using derivative-free optimization methods. To enable gradient-based optimization approaches, we must compute the derivatives of HFBTHO with respect to the parameters of the energy functional, which are a subset of all input parameters of the code. The derivatives obtained by using AD match well with those obtained by finite-difference approximation.
Visits and meetings
requent e-mail exchanges and virtual meetings between the members of the project.
Impact and publications
- In 2016, we have presented one extended abstract and a poster in AD2016, submitted a talk in USNCCM, and have another publication in preparation.
- In 2017, we have given a talk in USNCCM, included our work at the DOE Applied Math PI meeting in a poster.
- In 2021, we have submitted a paper on automatic differentiation of OpenMP programs;
- In 2021, we have organized a minitutorial at SIAM CSE21.
- In 2023, we have submitted a paper on the differentiation of MITgcm using Tapenade.
- In 2024, we submitted a paper on run-time profiling of the adjoint code generated by Tapenade.
- In 2024, Paul Hovland (ANL), Laurent Hascoët (INRIA), Jan Hückelheim (ANL), and Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan (ANL) were organizers for the AD2024 conference.
- Gaikwad, Shreyas Sunil, Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan, Laurent Hascoet, Jean-Michel Campin, Helen Pillar, An Nguyen, Jan Hückelheim, Paul Hovland, and Patrick Heimbach. 2024. “MITgcm-AD v2: Open Source Tangent Linear and Adjoint Modeling Framework for the Oceans and Atmosphere Enabled by the Automatic Differentiation Tool Tapenade.” ArXiv e-Prints, January, arXiv:2401.11952.
@article{GaikwadEtAl2024, author = {{Gaikwad}, Shreyas Sunil and {Krishna Narayanan}, Sri Hari and {Hascoet}, Laurent and {Campin}, Jean-Michel and {Pillar}, Helen and {Nguyen}, An and {H{\"u}ckelheim}, Jan and {Hovland}, Paul and {Heimbach}, Patrick}, title = {{{MITgcm-AD} v2: Open source tangent linear and adjoint modeling framework for the oceans and atmosphere enabled by the Automatic Differentiation tool Tapenade}}, journal = {arXiv e-prints}, keywords = {Physics - Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics}, year = {2024}, month = jan, eid = {arXiv:2401.11952}, pages = {arXiv:2401.11952}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2401.11952}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2401.11952}, primaryclass = {} }
- Hückelheim, Jan, and Laurent Hascoët. 2022. “Source-to-Source Automatic Differentiation of OpenMP Parallel Loops.” ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48 (1).
@article{HuckelheimHascoet2022, author = {H\"{u}ckelheim, Jan and Hasco\"{e}t, Laurent}, title = {Source-to-Source Automatic Differentiation of OpenMP Parallel Loops}, year = {2022}, issue_date = {March 2022}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, volume = {48}, number = {1}, issn = {0098-3500}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3472796}, journal = {ACM Trans. Math. Softw.}, month = feb, articleno = {7}, numpages = {32}, keywords = {Automatic differentiation, OpenMP, shared-memory parallel, multicore} }
This article presents our work toward correct and efficient automatic differentiation of OpenMP parallel worksharing loops in forward and reverse mode. Automatic differentiation is a method to obtain gradients of numerical programs, which are crucial in optimization, uncertainty quantification, and machine learning. The computational cost to compute gradients is a common bottleneck in practice. For applications that are parallelized for multicore CPUs or GPUs using OpenMP, one also wishes to compute the gradients in parallel. We propose a framework to reason about the correctness of the generated derivative code, from which we justify our OpenMP extension to the differentiation model. We implement this model in the automatic differentiation tool Tapenade and present test cases that are differentiated following our extended differentiation procedure. Performance of the generated derivative programs in forward and reverse mode is better than sequential, although our reverse mode often scales worse than the input programs. - ———. 2022. “POSTER: Automatic Differentiation of Parallel Loops with Formal Methods.” In Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP) 2022.
@conference{ppopp22-poster-ad-z3, author = {{J}an {H}\"uckelheim and {L}aurent {H}asco\"et}, booktitle = {Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP) 2022}, date-added = {2022-03-15 08:59:01 -0500}, date-modified = {2022-03-15 09:01:06 -0500}, title = {{POSTER}: Automatic Differentiation of Parallel Loops with Formal Methods}, year = {2022} }
- Hascoët, Laurent, Jan Christian Hückelheim, Paul Hovland, and Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan. 2021. “SIAM CSE21 Minitutorial: Automatic Differentiation as a Tool for Computational Science.”
@misc{NarayananEtAl2021, author = {Hasco{\"e}t, Laurent and H{\"u}ckelheim, Jan Christian and Hovland, Paul and Narayanan, Sri Hari Krishna}, title = {{SIAM} {CSE}21 {M}initutorial: {A}utomatic {D}ifferentiation as a {T}ool for {C}omputational {S}cience}, url = {}, year = {2021} }
- Narayanan, Sri Hari Krishna, and Laurent Hascoet. 2016. “Interfacing OpenAD and Tapenade.”
@article{NarayananHascoet2016, author = {Narayanan, Sri Hari Krishna and Hascoet, Laurent}, title = {Interfacing OpenAD and Tapenade}, journal = {}, year = {2016}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, notes = {submitted, also available as ANL/MCS-P5588-0316} }
Future plans
We plan to continue to work on applying and improving Tapenade. Additionally, we plan to explore other topics in the field of algorithmic differentiation.
- Goldberg, Daniel, Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan, Laurent Hascoet, and Jean Utke. 2016. “An Optimized Treatment for Algorithmic Differentiation of an Important Glaciological Fixed-Point Problem.”
@article{GoldbergEtAl2016, title = {An optimized treatment for algorithmic differentiation of an important glaciological fixed-point problem}, journal = {}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, year = {2016}, note = {submitted, also available as ANL/MCS-P5516-0116.}, issn = {}, author = {Goldberg, Daniel and Narayanan, Sri Hari Krishna and Hascoet, Laurent and Utke, Jean} }